Thoughts explode in my mind while I am trying to sleep causing urges of insomnia. Guilt collides into my being because of these exploding thoughts that I let turn into duds.

I wrote this in 1996 to describe how I experienced life as a big ideas thinker.

I remember feeling so disappointed in myself because I wouldn’t execute my ideas.  And of course, that disappointment turned into guilt and shame. It was difficult walking around with all of that, but for years I chose to live with this because I refused to do anything with all those ideas that I had in my head.

As a reformed big ideas thinker, I realize that being realistic is important and having a plan is critical, but being afraid to take an initial risk is ridiculous. My fear kept me bound and caused my big ideas to turn into duds.

What I am learning now is that having an idea isn’t enough. You have to have the guts, wherewithal, stamina, and a lot more than just a love of generating ideas.

I’ve also discovered three keys to help you push forward your ideas.

Key 1: Push forward a platform

As much as I love shoes, I can honestly say that I’m not referring to my favorite type of shoes – the platform. The platform I’m referring to here is a belief that you can stand on. It includes your message, your principles, your values that you want to communicate to others.

When I wrote my first blog, I didn’t realize that I was establishing a platform that encouraged idea execution. I was just sharing my experiences pushing forward my ideas. As I continued to explore the concepts and ideas that I came across, I realized that idea execution was my platform.

Everything that GoneGirlGo stands for relates to this very topic. You may have noticed that some of my Facebook postings and Tweets focus on motivating others to execute their ideas. Having a platform has helped shape the direction of the movement. I’m able to focus on a central theme in my work rather than several themes which for me can be overwhelming.

If you want to learn more about establishing a platform you should check out Michael Hyatt and his book, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World.

Key 2: Push forward a bias toward action

Scott Belsky, co-founder of Behance and author of Making Ideas Happen, says,“While you may enjoy generating brilliant ideas and imagining new possibilities, you must approach every occasion of creativity with a dose of skepticism and a bias toward action.”

I must admit, I’m still developing in this area.  After years of not having a bias toward action, there are a few things that I need to unlearn so that I have a relentless bias toward action.

I keep telling myself to:

  • Continue to work at it
  • Pursue organization relentlessly
  • Demand protection for my time
  • Reflect on my behaviors
  • Try to change
  • Hone my focus
  • Develop wherewithal
  • Connect with others
  • Push forward
  • And of course, GoneGirlGo

Key 3: Push forward a social media strategy

I’m a member of Generation X, roughly those of us who were born in the late 60’s through the early 80’s. We did not grow up with computers in the classroom. We weren’t even exposed to Myspace in high school like my kids were. Facebook became our social media tool of choice a few years ago. Don’t get me wrong, I love technology, but I’m a little late getting on the social media bandwagon. I actually fought against tweeting for 2 years!  Now, I see the potential social media has, especially as an informal learning tool. But I’m still perplexed.

How do I wrap my head around so many different social media platforms?

Which platform will serve my purpose?

When do I have time to use any of these platforms?

Because I am exploring how to develop an internet based business, I decided to secure a social media strategist who’s been helping me sort it all out.

I’m on my way, and in no rush. I have a platform and I’m developing a relentless bias toward action. I’m considering ways to use social media and pushing forward. And I’m grateful that I can, even now.

What is your platform to stand on? Do you struggle with having a bias toward action? What are your thoughts about the importance of social media? Share your comments below or on Facebook.