Today’s Guest Post features inspired words from friends of GoneGirlGo who have a penchant for personal development.

clip board with text love your life

What motivates you to get up and get into your life every day?

Does that question make you want to respond with something like, “You mean besides that unyielding desire to create and maintain a standard of living that includes consistent food, shelter, and clothing?”

To which I would reply something like, “Food. Shelter. Clothing. Those are OK motivations…I GUESS. They just seem a smidge…BASIC! And who wants to be BASIC? Right?”

And now for a bit of transparency…

For the better part of my adult life, when I mused about my motivations, I could hear myself saying something like, “You mean besides that unyielding desire to create and maintain a standard of living that includes consistent food, shelter, and clothing?”

Yep! I was motivated by the “basics”, convinced they were the only way to the happiness that had eluded me growing up.

I made the “basics” my North Star, allowing them to guide every action and decision.

Unfortunately, what I decided was my North Star was really an illusion, quietly leading me off course. As much as I wanted the “basics” to bring me the happiness I had long sought, I slowly learned this was an impossibility.

You see, our greatest motivations, those that give way to feelings of happiness, joy, and peace, run deeper than the “basics”.

True motivation lights the path to our dreams, leading us to a deeper understanding of who we are at our core and our greater purpose in this life. Our greatest motivations speak to what brings us joy and answer our big WHY.

What would happen if you took time to look deeper than the “basic” motivations (whatever they may be for you), exploring their place in your life in a way that allows you to see and feel possibility, to connect to yourself in a way that leads you to your greater purpose?

You just may find that what really drives you to get up each day, to chase your dreams or even to just dream, is a something that you may never physically touch or see but you will FEEL it as it guides your path.

Want to know some of what motivates me?

I Am Motivated by Love.

I grew up in a house where finances were unstable at best. Along that journey, tangible things became insignificant because, when it was all said and done, I knew in my soul that my mom loved me. Every hug and meal were complete with a Love that made me want more. And that more created an overflow, an abundance that I then learned to share. Love gives me life when things feel dark, bleak AND makes the sunshine on my forehead even when the sky is filled with clouds.

I Am Motivated by My “Comfort Zone”.

Like so many, my “comfort zone” calls my name, begging for attention, day after day. There are moments when I want to stay there, but it is when I step out of it that I thrive. I look around the “comfort zone”, seeing old stories that do not serve me in the direction I am going and that knowing fuels this fire inside of me to keep going, moving further and further away from the creature comforts of my past and into new realms of possibility.

I Am Motivated by My Curiosity.

I want to know everything about people, places and things. I love landing on random tidbits of information about sloths as much as I love meeting a stranger and hearing their life story. As easy as it can be for me to keep my head down, focused on checking off items on my “to do” list or responding to one more email, I always find myself energized for that next big thing when I freely, openly embrace my natural curiosity. And it is that energy that leads to greater productivity and success in all areas of my life.

I Am Motivated by Playfulness.

I recently visited my dad in South Carolina. It was a quick trip, but special nonetheless. Upon our return, as I looked at pictures we had taken together, I noticed a common theme — most of our pictures included us being silly, playing around and laughing. Moments of playfulness have this magic ability to shift my soul, creating feelings of connectedness and freedom. It is when we allow ourselves to indulge in a bit of playfulness that we open the door to deep healing and peace.

No matter where our motivations lie, understanding what they are and how they inform your decisions is important to a deeper connection to self. Take some time to think about what really motivates you at the core of your being and try to remember to focus on connecting to those places in your daily life. That focus is sure to bring you a deeper sense of joy and purpose in your day-to-day life.

Sherry is a certified life coach, workshop facilitator and writer who believes that, when we know the sound of our Inner Voice and understand its power, we are able to live and work from a place of confidence and focus that creates endless joy and success. Whether coaching an individual looking to create clarity around personal and professional next steps or with teens to help them build self-confidence and see their purpose, Sherry skillfully uses the art of creative play and natural curiosity to support her clients on their journey to create their best life.